May 23-25, 2025
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Dixiecon is the longest-running Diplomacy tournament in the world.
This event has been the scene of thrilling Diplomacy gaming since 1987, including as host of the North American Championships, Dipcon, in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2023!
Best Country Award winners show off their colored plaques
Registration Fee: $50
Housing: $50/night for double, $80/night for single at the tournament site
Granville Towers dorm.
Hotel rooms also available at AC Hotel Chapel Hill Downtown for
$184 - $194 per night.
If you are staying in the dorm, you book that with David Hood when you officially register. If you want to stay in the official hotel AC using the Dixiecon room block, here is the booking link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1737123108150&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true&app=resvlink or call either 919-969-2800 or 888-236-2427.

Three Rounds of Diplomacy, plus:
Variant Diplomacy Event
Iron Man Tournament for Non-Dip Games
Open Gaming
Past Dixiecon winners gather at the 2023 event.
Housing Details
The tournament will be held at the South Building of Granville Towers, a private dorm adjacent to the UNC campus, and directly on the main business street in Chapel Hill, Franklin Street. Dorm rooms are not for everyone, so see above info about room blocks at two area hotels.
How About Youth?
Dixiecon is a good environment for young gamers who want to learn to play The Game, Diplomacy. We typically have several young players, from 14 or so and up, in every round. Many Dixiecon attendees have brought sons and daughters to the tournament to teach them the ropes. For more information about this issue, or just to make sure you as a parent are comfortable with the arrangements, please contact David Hood at davidhood@dixiecon.com or dhood@phd-law.com
Travel Info
The closest airport is Raleigh-Durham, and Dixiecon provides free shuttle service to and from the airport as well as from nearby Amtrak stations and bus terminals. Just contact davidhood@dixiecon.com.
Dixiecon has also hosted the world face-to-face championships, World Dipcon, in 1990, 1998 and 2014.
Food and Fun
Because of the Franklin Street location, there are many places to get food within walking distance. There are also a number of shops and bars nearby for after-Dip action.
Sometimes Dippers want to take a tour of the UNC campus, visit the nearby Morehead Planetarium, or extend their trips to North Carolina by visiting the Outer Banks or other sites.
How is Dixiecon Different?
Dixiecon has been around for a very long time, as Diplomacy tournaments go. What the event is primarily known for is the unlimited style of play coupled with Draw-Based Scoring. Whereas most tournaments nowadays use some form of place-based or supply-center-spread mechanic to score games, Dixiecon still emphasizes whether a finisher is in the voted "draw" or not, and how many players are in said draw. The game is, therefore, focused on control of the stalemate line rather than just supply center totals at the end. There are always arguments pro and con about scoring systems - and at Dixiecon we think diversity within the Hobby regarding such matters is a strength. The important thing is to have fun, so we try to encourage that at Dixie in how we run the event.